Tag Archives: retrochallenge

RetroMatic 2000 update 1: video converter design

I’m building what I call the “RetroMatic 2000” for the Retro Challenge 2017/04.

I’ve been planning, designing, and prototyping it for the last month or so.

Here’s a scrapbook of what I compiled during the research and development phase for the video converter aspect of the project (converting 288p RGB or mono composite from a retro computer to VGA suitable for an LCD monitor).

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Retro Challenge 2017/04: my project summary

Today is the first day of the Retro Challenge – a one month semi-formal excuse to do something cool with retro computer technology throughout April.

I only found out about this a couple of weeks ago. I’ve just spent March planning and prototyping a retro computing project, but I haven’t started the main build yet. I’d also been vaguely thinking about publishing my progress somewhere so others could appreciate what I’m doing. So this seemed the perfect excuse!

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